The Lesotho Tourism Development Corporation operates four Tourist Information Offices where visitors can pick up a range of maps, brochures and other useful travel literature, or seek travel advice from knowledgeable staff:
Moshoeshoe I International Airport
Open 08.00-17.00 Mon-Fri and 10.00-16.00 Sat-Sun
Pioneer Mall, Maseru
Open 09.00-18.00 Mon-Fri, 09.00-15.00 Sat and 09.00-13.00 Sun
Thaba Bosiu
Open 08.00-17.00 Mon-Fri and 10.00-13.00 Sat-Sun
Botha Bothe
Open 08.00-17.00 Mon-Fri and 09.00-13.00 Sat-Sun
There are also official Visitor’s Centres at several other major attractions including Ha Baroana, Ha Kome, Subeng Dinosaur Footprints, Liphofung Cave, Quthing Dinosaur Footprints, Lake Letsie, Katse Dam, Bokong Nature Reserve, Sehlabathebe National Park and Ts'ehlanyane National Park.